September Lecture - St. Mary's Cathedral: How It All Began

The lecture programme of the Old Tuam Society for the 2011/12 season gets under way with an eagerly anticipated lecture about Tuam's most impressive piece of historical architecture, namely St. Mary’s Cathedral. Among the many treasures housed within it's walls is one of the most impressive Hiberno-Romanesque arches still extant in the country and it acts as a permanent reminder in stone of a time, a millennium ago, when the island was ruled from Tuam by the O'Connor High Kings. The lecture will be delivered by the Old Tuam Society's Dr.Tony Claffey on Thursday 15th September at 8:30pm at St. Mary's Cathedral. Further details in next weeks Tuam Herald.

Time: 8:30 pm
Date: Thursday 15th September, 2011
Venue: St. Mary's Cathedral


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