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The hill of Knockma in County Galway, bears all the hallmarks of a royal and ritual landscape: literary, genealogical, archaeological and archaeo-astronomical. This talk will discuss Knockma as a prehistoric landscape, an early Christian cult centre, and as the forgotten birthplace of the ancestors of the Uí Briúin medieval kings of Connacht. The Old Tuam Society is delighted to welcome Dr Jessica Cooke as our lecturer. She is a graduate of UCD and the University of Cambridge and an affiliate member of the Centre of Ancient, Medieval and Pre-modern Studies at the Moore Institute in the University of Galway. Her current research interests include an examination of Knockma’s significance in West Connacht from prehistory up until the middle ages, an area which has largely been unexplored. Please note the lecture venue will be the Mill Museum, Shop Street and it takes place on Thursday 23 May at 7 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to re-energise the Society and our long-running lecture

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